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Mala Beads FAQs

Who are mala beads for?

Mala beads can be worn by anyone. But are especially helpful for:

Spiritual Seekers: Mala beads are commonly used for meditation and prayer, making them ideal for people on a spiritual journey or those looking to deepen their spiritual practices.

Meditators: Mala beads provide a tactile and visual aid for meditation, helping meditators maintain focus, count repetitions, and enhance the meditative experience.

Yogis: Many yoga practitioners incorporate Mala beads into their practice, using them to set intentions, enhance mindfulness, and deepen their yoga experience.

Stress-Reduction Enthusiasts: The act of holding and moving Mala beads can have a calming effect, making them a useful tool for individuals seeking stress reduction and relaxation.

Empaths: Empaths can benefit from Mala beads made with specific crystals that offer protection from negative energies, emotional balance, and grounding. These beads can help empaths manage their heightened sensitivity and emotional well-being.

Intention Setters: Mala beads are often used to set and manifest intentions, making them suitable for those looking to achieve specific goals, cultivate positive habits, or invite positive energy into their lives.

Gift Recipients: Mala beads can make thoughtful and meaningful gifts for loved ones, especially for those interested in mindfulness, meditation, or spiritual practices.

Self-Care Practitioners: Mala beads can serve as a reminder to prioritise self-care and mindfulness, making them valuable for individuals seeking holistic well-being

What are the benefits of mala beads?
  • Focus and Concentration: Mala beads can serve as a tool to help maintain focus and concentration during meditation or prayer. The repetitive motion of counting beads can act as a tactile anchor for the mind, preventing distractions.
  • Mindfulness: The use of mala beads encourages mindfulness and awareness. As individuals move through each bead, they can focus on their breath, mantra, or prayer, promoting a meditative state.
  • Spiritual Connection: Many people use mala beads as a way to deepen their spiritual connection. The beads can symbolise different aspects of one's spiritual journey, and the act of counting or touching each bead can create a sense of connection with the divine or one's inner self.
  • Stress Reduction: Engaging with the beads and repeating a mantra or prayer can have a calming effect on the nervous system. This repetitive activity may help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Energy and Healing: Many people throughout the world have experienced the  energy and healing properties of crystals and crystal beads. The type of beads can be chosen based on their associated qualities,  meaning, metaphysical properties and correspondences, helping people connect with a sense of wellbeing and inner peace.
  • Counting Mantras or Affirmations: Mala beads are often used to count repetitions of mantras or affirmations during meditation. This helps individuals keep track of their progress and maintain a disciplined practice.
  • Physical Reminder: Wearing mala beads as a necklace or bracelet can serve as a physical reminder of one's spiritual goals and intentions throughout the day. This can contribute to a continuous state of mindfulness.
  • Unique Gifting: Mala beads make meaningful, unique gifts for loved ones, promoting well-being and mindfulness.

It's important to note that the benefits of mala beads are subjective and can vary from person to person. Some people find them to be valuable tools in their spiritual practice and self-discovery journey, while others may not resonate with their use. 

What are your mala beads made from?

Ambarya mala beads have been ethically handmade by traditional artisans. Our beads are made from AA-AAA quality semi-precious stones.

How do I care for Mala Beads

Our mala bead sets are high-quality pieces, handmade with care. However, we recommend looking after your beads to support their longevity.

  • It’s best not to wear the beads in the shower or for swimming regularly.
  • Avoid wearing them when you sleep or during exercise as they may get caught on something and break.
  • Bracelets should be gently rolled on and off the wrist. Avoid pulling on the elastic cord, as it can weaken over time.
  • Avoid exposure to chemicals or perfumes
  • Keep the beads in the pouch when you are not wearing or using them

If your beads are a little dirty from general wear, you can gently rinse them under warm water.  Avoid using any types of chemicals on your mala beads. 

Do you offer free shipping?

We offer free shipping on all orders over $80

Do you allow returns or exchanges?

Everything we sell has been carefully crafted by traditional artisans and every purchase provides them with a fair living wage. We hope you love the products as much as we do but if you're not satisfied, you're welcome to contact us for an exchange or refund as long as the item is returned unused with proof of purchase and you contact us within 14 days of receiving the item.

Where do you ship to?

We are a small Melbourne business that supports the local market. We can ship to anywhere in Australia.

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