People born under the sign of the ram have what appears to others as boundless energy and enthusiasm. They have an incredible capacity for work and like to succeed at whatever they put their mind too. They are often straightforward and frank and are sometimes so forthright that they can offend more sensitive sorts. They are passionate, adventurous and confident.
Citrine helps Aries to work together with others and to understand and participate well in a group. Aries people often like to take charge and often naturally assume the role of leader. Citrine assists with forming positive relationships, enabling the Aries person to see the unique contribution and skills of others. It will help them to listen and understand the views of others, rather than assuming that their way is the best way every time.
Amethyst can provide calming support for the Aries person who is prone to feeling overwhelmed or has anxious, nervous energy. It helps slow the pace of the frenetic and active Aries and alleviates irritability, balances mood swings, and eases outrage, anger, and dread.
Red Jasper offers protective benefits to those Aries people who rush into situations. It can help Aries people to properly assess all of the options open to them, providing a gentle reminder to “look before you leap”. It does not quash all of that Aries energy, but instead provides support and focus, enabling the Aries person to harness their passions.
Green Aventurine can help a bold Aries person not take everything quite so seriously. It creates an energy of lightness that can assist during difficult times. It helps Aries to remain heart-centered and controlled during times of change. Aventurine can cool down an Aries temper and promote joyfulness and gratitude.
Hematite is a wonderful crystal for grounding and can help an Aries person to achieve a sense of stability. It can help quiet the busy Aries person, providing calming energy and the courage to go on. It will also assist those born under the sign of the ram to see the light at the end of the tunnel and not feel frustrated about their current position in life.
Bloodstone enables the Aries person to be adaptable and flexible, gently reigning in any recklessness or skittishness. It promotes harmony and helps Aries achieve healthy friendships and romantic relationships. An Aries person will rarely feel challenged by others, but if they should, then bloodstone will help them to handle conflict and debate with a steady and fair approach.
Clear Quartz has a refreshing, gentle and positive energy that will help the Aries person to be measured and thoughtful in how they interact with others. Clear quartz is useful for Aries people in the workplace because it can help them to be a little more restrained in their conversations and support a harmonious and positive group dynamic.
Yellow Jadeencourages wisdom, joy, and emotional balance. It helps Aries make thoughtful decisions rather than acting impulsively.